This is she

My photo
selangor, Malaysia
rambling is her new activities, just let's her do the talking..

Monday, February 22, 2010

recoveringgggg ringg :)

heylo there :)

long time not update. here i'm still recovering from ACL surgery. yeah,, everyday physio at ampang puteri and cannot tdo lasak nemore. hehe :p

how it feels? okla i tell u this was my horrible experience ever. taubat dah tak nak bagi kaki injured or main selasak mane dah lepas ni. sopan sopan je pas ni. lasak pon siket2 je sekadar utk getting sweat ok kot. dah tak nak dah dok dalam surgery theater for about 3 hours and a half to cut here, gerudi there, screw inside,jahit sini,,, eee...ngeri!! pas tu kene laks g physio for about 2 months! siap got new acessories : the brace and the crutches :)

hehe.. but one thing that i really feel it nowadays. yela kan. bukan selalu kite dapat sakit bukan maksud aku nak mintak sakit 'nauzubillahh'..but, yeah it happened :) i become more appreciate to people around me, i loove them all and yes, i hope they love to help me too. esp, my family members. really really do feels the love..w/out them, tak tau la macam mane kann..

ok la..let see what we have here..

tidak sedar lagii...

the next day..

physio session!

1,2,, pulll!!!

the brace

the car.. :p

the main cast! my mom <3

the photographer :)

makan makan dan makan sampaiiiii meletops! hhihi :p

okla.. thats all. perkembangan latest, my leg oredi can be bending to 60 degree. iyeayss!! for more pics, please refer to my muka buku :p

till then. daa~


winawin said...

kene ACL surgery jgak ker..
hehe.. welcome to the club *wink!
rajin2 wat fisio.. aku sebulan jer pastu dah cabut.. hehe ;p

A'a Nazzirah said...

wina eh ni?? hihi..weyy aku baru 3 minggu!
tak saba mahu fully recoveryy. but aku dok spital ritu 4 days je weh. haha..anyway, pesal tak dapat bukak ko pnye blog dearr?